Bosch PRS-SWCS PC Call Server


    • Serves multiple Call Station Clients
    • Controls multiple Network Controllers in extended systems
    • Includes a license for a single Network Controller
    • Controls user access with selectable rights per user


Bosch Professional PC Call Server

The Bosch PRS-SWCS PC Call Server provides a comprehensive suite of communication services for applications such as IP-PBX, VoIP, PSTN, and wireless networks. This powerful server offers a scalable and flexible platform for business-critical communications, featuring improved scalability and resiliency. It is designed to meet the needs of small, medium, and large organizations.


  • Scalable and flexible platform
  • Compatible with IP-PBX, VoIP, PSTN, and wireless networks
  • Highly reliable and secure communications
  • Robust set of features for applications such as call routing, call recording, and call statistics
  • Support for multiple languages and currencies
  • Multi-site deployment capabilities

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs